From the category -DID YOU KNOW: that some people, especially men, are dating sometime to drink a beer in a club and they are talking about alliances that they create on internet games? They are spying themselves for finding out the secrets of the rival alliance and they even suffer because of that. They are controlling every day them kingdoms on line and they check who and how attack them. In the evening they go out and they argue with the aggressor…..lol… last night I found my self in such a situation with some friends of Cosmin and I could not believe how serious they where. Ok, they where very extraverted but funny anyway….for instance, they where passing from a very relax conversation directly to football, with exact informations, players names, championship tops ….everything very real and exact. After that, immediately, like somebody was deleting with a sponge on the table the whole conversation, they where going back to them castles and armies and everything was like a fairytale J and it was also a nice music…but again one of them was waking up telling about some football match that he has seen or about a super point marked by a famous football player…. And all conversation was concentrated again on that subject …
In the meantime, my attention was taken by something else... a small bird on ceramic … like those one we have when we was little. It has the mouth open and you could put water inside and to weasel…or don’t put water? I don’t know anymore…anyway it was very collared: brown with brown, with green with white, with pink with orange, with brown…a “symphony of colours” J I will add at the end a link with Toma Caragiu for understanding what is it with the “symphony of colours”. Unfortunately is only in Romanian but I will put it anyway. In conclusion a minibong!!
Then I started to watch TV!!! I’ve seen a huge stadium, and in the middle, very, very small, there where 2 teem of A
merican baseball…all like some Russian tanks J with many hours of bodybuilding and trainings. I was looking at them and I was seeing some small chickens under the pressure of a stadium with thousands of people, trying to defend them self even from the breathing of the stadium. And then I realised that they have succeeded! People make sport!!!!! And you will walk in Bucharest like in the forest, and no noise, no smell will touch you, yes, only birds and clear skyJ
Yeah, and the soup was very good… and cook healthy “people”…lol…now I am joking … I will not start now to make propaganda … but it was funny to make a list that “people “ should do..:)
In the meantime, my attention was taken by something else... a small bird on ceramic … like those one we have when we was little. It has the mouth open and you could put water inside and to weasel…or don’t put water? I don’t know anymore…anyway it was very collared: brown with brown, with green with white, with pink with orange, with brown…a “symphony of colours” J I will add at the end a link with Toma Caragiu for understanding what is it with the “symphony of colours”. Unfortunately is only in Romanian but I will put it anyway. In conclusion a minibong!!
Then I started to watch TV!!! I’ve seen a huge stadium, and in the middle, very, very small, there where 2 teem of A

Yeah, and the soup was very good… and cook healthy “people”…lol…now I am joking … I will not start now to make propaganda … but it was funny to make a list that “people “ should do..:)
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