Somebody was saying: be careful what you wish because it is possible that your wish to become true. This was also my case, Friday I was missing very much Adnan, my nephew of 1 year and 3 month, and like from nowhere, a friend call me to ask me if I want to go fishing in to the Danube Delta. And of course that I was arriving at Tulcea....
What a trip!!!! I am wondering all the time why when I make a long trip I start to open small drawers, up there, to the monkey box...and I go deeper and deeper in that until I forgot where I am? And like this... immediately I become melancholic.... lol... it came in my head alcoholic.... what a rime!!!
By the way, Tibo was telling me earlier: the body makes only what the brain commands... I am not agree 100% with this.... but I don't want to start this discussion now... or maybe I will do it a little :) really, why we need to be stimulated by surrogates? Hm ... in fact is only the body who want that, no? Cool, you get drunk in one night in a club, you go to the bathroom and you look in the mirror and you tell you’re self: I must to put my self together! But to put my self together from what? Or with what??? Because I am OK, I mean that I see my self, no? I know what is happening to me, only the body start to have a different power from what I knew before and it become super independent of me and from what I see and what I control... end then .. This is a surrogate??? No... you just help your body, from time to time, to be independent...lol...:) cool, today I wish to make a pleasure for my body, to give it him a little freedom: let see how can I help him... hm... Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, something "good” and in fact you even don't chose any more ... because anyway he is taking him self what he need... you just look the transformations... and it is so nice to see when your body arrive on the top of the pleasure....heheeh.... you almost want to forget and to be one with him.... I try to remember if I succeeded this at list once 100%.
Let's talk about jeans , better! As Tibo was saying, what people where wearing before jeans???Let's go out on the street and see how many people have jeans!!!! I bet that even you are wearing jeans now...:) The jeans became an uniform of our species....lol... can you realize what Martians are saying when they analyse us: so people -2 hands, 2 legs and jeans!!!even my nephew of 1 year and 3 months has jeans!!! even my grandmother of 75 years old has a bag with what she is buying potatoes, also of jeans :) Men appreciate the woman bat after the cut and the colour of the jeans!!!! Woman's appreciate the "size", also after the cut of the jeans. After the jeans also you can say from what area came the person, what music he listen, even what job he has, how trendy he is, etc...so if you wear jeans you are like an open book!!! but even me I have jeans today! They are Diesel, a little bit fade as colour, a little bit broke it at the heals because they are too long and I am walking on them.. but I feel good in them... I have my jeans and I am proud of them :) oh ... but I started to tell about Tulcea... hm maybe later:) maybe tomorrow!!!
Let's talk about jeans, better! As Tibo was saying, what people where wearing before jeans??? Let's go out on the street and see how many people have jeans!!!! I bet that even you are wearing jeans now... :) The jeans became an uniform of our species....lol... can you realize what Martians are saying when they analyses us: so people -2 hands, 2 legs and jeans!!! Even my nephew of 1 year and 3 months has jeans!!! Even my grandmother of 75 years old has a bag with what she is buying potatoes, also of jeans :) Men appreciate the woman bat after the cut and the color of the jeans!!!! Woman's appreciate the "size", also after the cut of the jeans. After the jeans also you can say from what area come the person, what music he listen, even what job he has, how trendy he is, etc...So if you wear jeans you are like an open book!!! But even me I have jeans today! They are Diesel, a little bit fade as color, a little bit broke it at the heals because they are too long and I am walking on them.. But I feel good in them... I have my jeans and I am proud of them :) oh ... but I started to tell about Tulcea... hm maybe later :) maybe tomorrow!!!