joi, 13 decembrie 2007

Polo weekend

Saturday I was for the first time to a water polo game… I have taken with me also the kaleidoscope with the idea to see triple those wonderful men bodies J at least this is what I was imagining :)

I was a little bit disappointed because I arrived exactly at the end of the game and I couldn’t see too much… about photo camera it was not even the case, there was so a few people in the pool that I was afraid I will disturb the players with the flash :)

But I met 2 Croatians polo players that they really impressed me, and not by them bodies because as I said before I didn’t seen them, but by them humour. I haven’t laugh like this from a very long time... I think that at least one of them should be an actor… anyway I have had a wonderful weekend full of vicious. :)

vineri, 7 decembrie 2007


My paradise in France!

vineri, 23 noiembrie 2007

I am Romanian?

Yes, is true … everywhere you go, if you meet a Romanian, is practically impossible to not recognise him.
I will not talk about the commune characteristics, that everybody knows already: how is a Rumanian in the airport, how he is eating, how laud hi is talking, where he is throwing away his garbage, how he is dressed or how he is educating his children.
I will talk about the story that you can see in almost every Romanian. And it starts like this:

-Don’t you see that I have problems?!!!

If you look at a Romanian face, first things you will see is this: don’t you see that I have problems?..... and that is all.. you slowly go away to not disturb him because the Romanian is immediately suspicious :)
I am wonder when the Rumanian started to louse his sense of humour? A friend told me yesterday, in another context, that the Romanian is working with his heard and not with his brain…. Yes.. I think that says a lot about the Romanians….

When a foreigner friend is asking me: “how you say in Romanian, what time it is?” I always tell him to not forgot to say first: don’t be upset, then you can continue with what you want to ask him but is very important to not upset the Romanian :)

In conclusion the Romanian is always upset!!! But still, what good comedies the Rumanians where producing on the time of Ceausescu!!!! Oh. Ceausescu… I better stop here :)

vineri, 16 noiembrie 2007


I was almost ready to tell you how good I feel without TV… then I was looking on the web and I found a lot of people like me…. So maybe is not a very interesting subject :)
But anyway :) how good it is to lay down Sunday afternoon in front of the TV and play with the remote from a channel to another…lol :)… for me is like coffee! I can not drink for weeks and then one morning to pass near a small shop and feel that strong smell that is sending you directly to Brazil, at least I feel like this…and then I can drink several cups one after other like I am the most coffee addicted person in the world.
With the TV is the same : a few days ago I was with a friend in a bar and in front of me there was a huge plasma with music channel … I even don’t remember what I was talking with my friend or how he was dressed … in stead I know by heart the last video of Chemical Brothers :)
In conclusion “longer the breaks stronger the success” I am talking about TV :)

vineri, 9 noiembrie 2007

Perfect secretary!

lol.. i think it is the dream of many gentlemen!!!

luni, 5 noiembrie 2007

Letter from my Boss!!!!

I just want to tell what's happen last saturday when I was coming back to France from Bucharest.
I dont speak about getting up at 3:30 for taking the first plane, because I was in the boarding room excatly 1/2 h after having left the apartment. In the plane I could have completed my short night if the stewards did not wakened up me for their breakfast. Arrived in Brussels, I was lucky, no queue at the passport control. Unfortunately the luggage delivery was a little delayed. It was not such a problem because, among the travellers there was a nice young lady with a lovely mini skirt. I take my luggage , go to the station, buy my ticket for brussels mid. The Railways agent tells me," Run, because, the train is leaving in few seconds". I run, and I succeed to go in the train just before the closue of the door and the departure. I thought that it was my lucky day. That lasted only few seconds before I realised that I forgot my laptop at the ticket desk. You imagine the stress. I left the train at the first station, went back to the airport and arrived 45 minute after my first leaving at the airport station. My computer was no longer there. I had to queue for asking to the railway agent if they found him.
As usual, I was behind the guy who asked what he could visit in Belgium for the week end, what was less expensive, if it was cheaper to take a week end ticket for Brussels or to go for antwerpen etc, etc… You imagine the stress. At the end, I could ask to the agent if they had found a bag. The guy asked me, “what was in the bag ?”. I was ashamed to say “my computer”and I added that it was easy to recognise because there is my name written with big letters on it. He went to the back room.. and came back with. my lap top. He told me that an agent has noticed it a little after I left . They are making regular inspections because they are afraid of bomb hidden in lost bag. And they did not destroyed it because there was my name on the bag. I will never again make jokes about the Belgian. The agent told me, “ If you run, you can take the next train for Brussels”. I did not run, I waited for the next one. This story for explaining why sometimes we could be a little nervous !

joi, 1 noiembrie 2007


Umbrellas, umbrellas, my sweet little umbrellas… :)

I found a new way to identify people on the street: after umbrellas they have!!!
Today I was forced to let my bicycle at home and take my umbrella. So beside the fact that I have really get dirty on my trousers, I had the chance to see the last trend in umbrellas in Bucharest! It seams that most of the people have umbrellas from the office where they work, or from different promotions: with the fresh drinks names, or banks, or phone companies or state institution and so on. Each umbrella is bigger and bigger with a wood handle and its covering 1 meter around a person. That remind me about last summer in Vama Veche when a big rain catch me and Ioana and we borrow a umbrella from a terrace, a huge one!!! I think that this is the level where we will arrive in Bucharest: huge terrace umbrellas!!!!

luni, 29 octombrie 2007

The idols came back ?

Saturday I wanted to go to the Pink Martini concert… I wanted but was not decided... but I went anyway, around 9.30 in front of the Palace Hall, thinking that I could give some money to the security guys and they will let me in at least for the second part of the concert.
It was impossible … they where very professional, even a fly could not get in… even the technical people had to show their passports 100 time before they could get inside.
Anyway… there were some people in front of me who were arriving with the same idea as me and Ioana, so we waited a little more thinking maybe we could enter in the end…
At some point, a guy of maximum 25 years old came up to us and looking in another direction but talking to us, almost whispering he said:

I was to Diverta (a music shop) yesterday, there where no more tickets, only at 230 RON! I took a loan for this ticket… You understand? And I can’t get in.. I was hoping that at least here I will find a ticket…. Sold out…. And I took a loan for this concert….
The guy seams to be really serious… the type of “fun till I die”…

A little bit further there was a girl who wanted to see at least the dress of the singer!? …

I was starting to get confused… I was thinking maybe everybody is performing theatre here to impress the security guards or maybe they are really serious? Could there be so much desire … the idea of an idol or a star? It is true it was on a small scale but very clear all the same…

I was not at Michael Jackson concert ... but I imagine that it was the same...

Nooooo, it should been theatre… :) or not?

vineri, 26 octombrie 2007

Audry Kawasaki

There is a while since I discovered an…. “artist” that I like very much. Yes! I give you only the link and you look for, don’t forget her journal… it has even more works of her.

joi, 25 octombrie 2007


Since Jesus came, Satan becomes crazy….

You vibrate to the things that had come and that you were felt from a very long time….
You must know everything that they say on this world … but they don’t tell you everything… why?

However is your choice... if you will see it is possible to become crazy... and what you will do with that?....seeing you as a GOD.....

But is not the case of the ego... because the ego is stopping you to be the one with God...
Can you put the fear before the believe? There is no can`t come close to somebody if you are afraid....

You are fucking damned man... marry tomorrow and you save your soul...:)
The New-Age is coming after us...

What religion has brought? Nothing...! but the gift? The evil come anyway to them...

Don`t do what the priest is doing... do what the priest is saying!

The difference between the one who was cheating and he was destroyed a person and the one who was cheating and he was destroyed a Church...

I don`t remember that i arrived here with a Master!!! I don`t believe that i have a Master... i was not born in chain... in the meantime i discovered that there is a God... that is everything... but he is not my Master... i should not be afraid of him... of Satan, of God....

What is about with the anger from us... if you are close to God... you must be calm... oh really?!! But what is the is another way of expression.. there is no good and wrong... if you are shouting you are bad, if you whisper you aer good... oh really?!!! Is it like this?

The catholic Boss!!!

The human experience is too much fun that God play with us and promise to us that after all that it will be better and much more, isn`t it? It is too cool here on Earth!!! But if you arrive to love live more then God... and your salvation... hm salvation... this is from God no?... and we practically know? That we will die at one moment ...but what we believe is much more then this, or what we hope.....

By : Alina, Ciprian, Micu, Oltin, Mara, Ioana and me :) ....after Atlantis 1

marți, 23 octombrie 2007

Back to Black

From a very long time I wanted to post something about Amy Winehouse on my blog, I found about her only this year and she is very dear to me.

Yesterday, walking in the city (without my bicycle because I was afraid that the wind will throw me away even If I am not so skinny) I sow that Bucharest has dressed again in black. And me with my little red coat I was feeling like a red fire in the middle of the intersection. Then you ask yourself why people from Bucharest are depressed… so this is a good example: you can say that everybody is mourning. You can’t see a green, a purple, a little blue, I am not talking anymore about white this is really rare during the autumn or winter.

The “Urbans”(that means those people you see in clubs with punk hear, tie and very tide jeans from where you see a long chain to the back pocket of them ass and not only them ) are wearing a kind of army kaki. But, beside that…. Nothing!

In fact I am sure that everybody knows the answer-dark cloths are getting dirty harder!!! I am wonder when we will get away from this conception????

luni, 22 octombrie 2007

Impossible guitar

and looking again after Chemical Brothers on internet, I found a nice video on You Tube, take a look on the next link

Chemical Brothers

If after I came back from Bonobo, I couldn't wait to write about... now I realise that it was so cool that I don't have much things to say…. Only that I wish that many others like them come here and promote them new albums.

Then I was looking again on the net to see people comments and I found super funny that now there is a kind of contest, but it is too much to say contest, about the best event of the year in Romania. There are many who are saying that Chemical Brothers have had the biggest show ( and I am agree with that), others start to compare with Sziget, that means how the CB have been to Hungary in open air, or even with Delta Music Fest. I bet that all those that are moving them nose now and make comments like this, during the concert they where in delirium and they where not thinking at anything else like Sziget or Delta Music Fest, I believe they where with them eyes out from the orbit deep in to the projections :) I was a little bit in a trip with that big clown and I was even thinking that it is the time to buy a video projector. Did anybody have a cheep one?? :)

And talking about visuals ... this week-end I sow a very nice one, so take a look here on the next link. You will like it, I am sure! Thank you Mihai!

vineri, 19 octombrie 2007


Also last Saturday at MNAC (National Museum of Contemporary Art) …it was the festival of digital film with the three sections…
And looking a little on the site to see who will be participate from Romania, I arrive at the micro film competition where the film I made last summer with John Rilley for FILMINUTE was in the contest. I was very happy to see that the movie will be on the big screen … but not even at this hour don’t know if it has win something….anyway I am very proud about that  If you want to see the movie go to then look in the archive for 2006 and movie name is FRONT.

joi, 18 octombrie 2007


Saturday I’ve been to Bonobo Concert! Verrrrrrrry nice !

But until I arrived in the mood of “very nice” I thought that I will go crazy a few time. At the beginning I had the impression that I have arrived to a country party in a village disco, (location was Becker Brau) with sausages, beer, and probably also other types of food that smelt in all the building. I really don’t want to be the one who is always “on the contrary” or as we call it in Romanian “Gica Contra” but this concert have nothing to do with the location. Anyway at some point I succeeded to pass over this and to enjoy the music. And what music… it last less that I was expected, I think that is what everybody says, but it was intense. At the end, after they have finished and a lot of people have left, those who have remained became more relax and Simon Green started to mix some music, like for his soul J I think that in a half an hour that party started again and has finished at 4.30 in the morning when I left from there.

Speaking about people, I think I never seen before so many green t-shirts and converse shoes in only one place!!!!! You could say that you are to a costume partyJ

Let’s go back to Bonobo, I will not tell you anymore about the concert … everybody knows already that it was a very good one, but it’s very strange that only a few people know Bonobo, and they know more about Ninja Tune… everybody has the compilation Ninja Tune. I think is pity that in this case it is better promoted the label company then Simon Green. Maybe in England things are different … but here…. It’s still long time until we will receive the correct information.
I was looking earlier on the internet to see what people were written about Bonobo and somebody was saying:
What a childish poster… what is it with that monkey on the poster? Which is the connection? … lol … It is very simple Bonobo is a monkey species , a chimpanzee!!! I don’t defend the people who made the poster, I even don’t know them, and I just wanted to explain the picture with the monkey... lol

Let see how it will be to Chemical Brothers!!!!!

miercuri, 17 octombrie 2007

Number 1

Dedicated to Pinguina!
All my love for you, my little mouse.
What can I say after such a gift, except that: you are the best!!!!

My advice for you people: find a Pinguina. I don’t know if I found her or she find me or maybe we were just looked for each other, but I do know that is so good to have her near me. I am wonder when we have built all this? It was like yesterday when we was going to school with the same bus crossing half of Bucharest….and now we are living in the same house since 3 years, and you know, there are 9 millions bicycles in Beijing but we have only 2. There are 6 billions people in the world, more or less, but we are 2 or as you said last night we are 1, because 1+1=1….this is the number of the day!
So common, go out and find your number 1 for making each other number 2 or 1….anyway is the same thing.
I am so lucky to have you IOANA!

The Great Initiates

The TRUE you don’t receive it. You can find it in your self or you don’t find it at all.
The lotus grows very much time under the water before getting out and become a flower. Don’t rush the opening of the divine flower. If it must happen, it will be in a proper time. You just work and pray!

marți, 16 octombrie 2007


Every society chooses a small number of substances, no matter how toxic, and enshrines them in it`s cultural values, then demonises all other substances, persecutes and launches witch hunts against all those others.

From the category -DID YOU KNOW: that some people, especially men, are dating sometime to drink a beer in a club and they are talking about alliances that they create on internet games? They are spying themselves for finding out the secrets of the rival alliance and they even suffer because of that. They are controlling every day them kingdoms on line and they check who and how attack them. In the evening they go out and they argue with the aggressor…… last night I found my self in such a situation with some friends of Cosmin and I could not believe how serious they where. Ok, they where very extraverted but funny anyway….for instance, they where passing from a very relax conversation directly to football, with exact informations, players names, championship tops ….everything very real and exact. After that, immediately, like somebody was deleting with a sponge on the table the whole conversation, they where going back to them castles and armies and everything was like a fairytale J and it was also a nice music…but again one of them was waking up telling about some football match that he has seen or about a super point marked by a famous football player…. And all conversation was concentrated again on that subject …
In the meantime, my attention was taken by something else... a small bird on ceramic … like those one we have when we was little. It has the mouth open and you could put water inside and to weasel…or don’t put water? I don’t know anymore…anyway it was very collared: brown with brown, with green with white, with pink with orange, with brown…a “symphony of colours” J I will add at the end a link with Toma Caragiu for understanding what is it with the “symphony of colours”. Unfortunately is only in Romanian but I will put it anyway. In conclusion a minibong!!
Then I started to watch TV!!! I’ve seen a huge stadium, and in the middle, very, very small, there where 2 teem of American baseball…all like some Russian tanks J with many hours of bodybuilding and trainings. I was looking at them and I was seeing some small chickens under the pressure of a stadium with thousands of people, trying to defend them self even from the breathing of the stadium. And then I realised that they have succeeded! People make sport!!!!! And you will walk in Bucharest like in the forest, and no noise, no smell will touch you, yes, only birds and clear skyJ
Yeah, and the soup was very good… and cook healthy “people”…lol…now I am joking … I will not start now to make propaganda … but it was funny to make a list that “people “ should do..:)

don`t you dare to not look at this!!!!:)

My trip to Tulcea

Somebody was saying: be careful what you wish because it is possible that your wish to become true. This was also my case, Friday I was missing very much Adnan, my nephew of 1 year and 3 month, and like from nowhere, a friend call me to ask me if I want to go fishing in to the Danube Delta. And of course that I was arriving at Tulcea....
What a trip!!!! I am wondering all the time why when I make a long trip I start to open small drawers, up there, to the monkey box...and I go deeper and deeper in that until I forgot where I am? And like this... immediately I become melancholic.... lol... it came in my head alcoholic.... what a rime!!!
By the way, Tibo was telling me earlier: the body makes only what the brain commands... I am not agree 100% with this.... but I don't want to start this discussion now... or maybe I will do it a little :) really, why we need to be stimulated by surrogates? Hm ... in fact is only the body who want that, no? Cool, you get drunk in one night in a club, you go to the bathroom and you look in the mirror and you tell you’re self: I must to put my self together! But to put my self together from what? Or with what??? Because I am OK, I mean that I see my self, no? I know what is happening to me, only the body start to have a different power from what I knew before and it become super independent of me and from what I see and what I control... end then .. This is a surrogate??? No... you just help your body, from time to time, to be cool, today I wish to make a pleasure for my body, to give it him a little freedom: let see how can I help him... hm... Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, something "good” and in fact you even don't chose any more ... because anyway he is taking him self what he need... you just look the transformations... and it is so nice to see when your body arrive on the top of the pleasure....heheeh.... you almost want to forget and to be one with him.... I try to remember if I succeeded this at list once 100%.

Let's talk about jeans , better! As Tibo was saying, what people where wearing before jeans???Let's go out on the street and see how many people have jeans!!!! I bet that even you are wearing jeans now...:) The jeans became an uniform of our can you realize what Martians are saying when they analyse us: so people -2 hands, 2 legs and jeans!!!even my nephew of 1 year and 3 months has jeans!!! even my grandmother of 75 years old has a bag with what she is buying potatoes, also of jeans :) Men appreciate the woman bat after the cut and the colour of the jeans!!!! Woman's appreciate the "size", also after the cut of the jeans. After the jeans also you can say from what area came the person, what music he listen, even what job he has, how trendy he is, if you wear jeans you are like an open book!!! but even me I have jeans today! They are Diesel, a little bit fade as colour, a little bit broke it at the heals because they are too long and I am walking on them.. but I feel good in them... I have my jeans and I am proud of them :) oh ... but I started to tell about Tulcea... hm maybe later:) maybe tomorrow!!!

Let's talk about jeans, better! As Tibo was saying, what people where wearing before jeans??? Let's go out on the street and see how many people have jeans!!!! I bet that even you are wearing jeans now... :) The jeans became an uniform of our can you realize what Martians are saying when they analyses us: so people -2 hands, 2 legs and jeans!!! Even my nephew of 1 year and 3 months has jeans!!! Even my grandmother of 75 years old has a bag with what she is buying potatoes, also of jeans :) Men appreciate the woman bat after the cut and the color of the jeans!!!! Woman's appreciate the "size", also after the cut of the jeans. After the jeans also you can say from what area come the person, what music he listen, even what job he has, how trendy he is, etc...So if you wear jeans you are like an open book!!! But even me I have jeans today! They are Diesel, a little bit fade as color, a little bit broke it at the heals because they are too long and I am walking on them.. But I feel good in them... I have my jeans and I am proud of them :) oh ... but I started to tell about Tulcea... hm maybe later :) maybe tomorrow!!!

luni, 15 octombrie 2007


The calmest place I’ve been lately! oh I forgot, Rolf told me not to tell to anybody... if you want to know more, you have to come this evening to Frame and you ask for Rolf… this is like in the American movies: you go to the bar and you say: I want Rolf, and the bartender pulls a gun and starts a fight with chairs and broken tables flying through the air.....Exactly like in the American movies. But don't worry, in Frame it will be ok, nothing bad will happen if you ask about Rolf... but I don't know if he will tell you anything ... you can try with Hasan... because they will both be in a "Luminal" …..Go you will like it!!!


About me ... only good things...) of course... what? you where thinking that i will start to complain?!!! No. I am not compalining but i will also not describe my self .... in time you will realise how i am :)